Work Hours

Monday to Friday: 7am – 7pm
Weekend: 10am – 5pm

tamim express
Phone Numbers


Send us your Feedback


      At Tamimexpress, we are dedicated to continuously improving our services and user experience. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us achieve this goal. Whether you have suggestions, concerns, or positive experiences to share, we want to hear from you!

Please let us know about:

  • Your Experience: How was your overall experience with Tamimexpress? Were you satisfied with the product reviews and purchasing process?
  • Website Usability: Was our website easy to navigate? Did you find the information you were looking for?
  • Customer Support: How was your interaction with our customer support team? Were your issues resolved promptly and effectively?
  • Product Quality: Are you happy with the products you purchased through Tamimexpress? Did they meet your expectations?
  • Suggestions for Improvement: Do you have any ideas or suggestions on how we can enhance our services and offerings?

How to Submit Your Feedback:

  1. Email: Send us your detailed feedback at
  2. Feedback Form: Fill out the feedback form available on our website here (insert actual link).
  3. Live Chat: Share your thoughts directly with our support team via the live chat feature on our website.
  4. Social Media: Connect with us on our social media platforms and leave your comments and reviews.

We appreciate the time you take to share your thoughts with us and are committed to using your feedback to make Tamimexpress even better. Thank you for helping us improve!

   Warm regards,

                                 The Tamimexpress Team

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